Happy Car | St. James' Settlement 2015
Feb 2015
Illustration for a Rehabilitation Van. The rehabilitation van, also known as the Happy Van is a part of the "Enhanced Home & Community Care Service - Wanchai Team, Central & Western Team"
Illustration for a Rehabilitation Van. The rehabilitation van, also known as the Happy Van is a part of the "Enhanced Home & Community Care Service - Wanchai Team, Central & Western Team"

Horizon | Ocean Art Walk 2014
Apr - May 2014 - Event's Page
「海 • 瓶 • 線」(Horizon) at Ocean Art Walk 利用超過1400個加上了藍色顏料的廢棄膠水樽,仿造一片海浪般的天幕。 塑膠廢棄物PLASTIC WASTE 你知道嗎?香港人每天扔掉近2,300,000個即棄膠樽及1,700噸塑膠廢棄物,包括膠袋和塑膠包裝物料? 在大多數國家,塑料的使用幾乎是無可避免。它既輕巧,價格亦適中,因此廣泛應用於現今大多數消費產品的包裝或製作。然而,生活中的塑料應用雖然非常合乎經濟效益,塑料所製造的垃圾卻構成本地和全球環境問題。在香港,廢棄塑膠物料在海灘上或在水渠裡都隨處可見,更佔用大部分的堆填區空間。而落入海中的塑膠廢棄物更有機會從香港越洋漂流至美國加州,危及海中生物及海上航道。 Did you know that every day, Hong Kong people throw away an estimated 2,300,000 plastic bottles? And that we generate 1,700 tonnes of daily plastic waste, including plastic bags, packaging and wrapping? The use of plastic in most countries is almost unavoidable. It is lightweight, affordable, and used in the packaging or content of a majority of products. While the use of plastic in our lives can be seen as very beneficial, the waste created causes environmental problems both locally and globally. Locally, plastic waste can be seen littering Hong Kong’s beaches, storm drains, and taking up space in our landfills. Globally, plastic waste that enters the water from Hong Kong has the potential to travel all the way to California, endangering wildlife and even boat traffic, en route.
Pop-up Heritage Exhibition | {sfs} st. francis st
Pop-up heritage exhibition at {sfs}The exhibition, curated by {sfs} and Maoshan Connie, features 2 illustrations of the neighborhood by acclaimed local artist Felixism.
Once upon a place | 2013 Bi-city Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture
While I'm Living, I want to... | Public Art Installation, Central Market, Hong Kong
X'mas at home | Shopping Mall Xmas Decoration
Wanchai Urban Jungle | Interior Design

Pop-up Heritage Exhibition | {sfs} st. francis st
May 2014
Pop-up heritage exhibition at {sfs}The exhibition, curated by {sfs} and Maoshan Connie, features 2 illustrations of the neighborhood by acclaimed local artist Felixism.
Once upon a place | 2013 Bi-city Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture
December, 2013 - February 2014
“Once Upon A Place” is a testimonial to qualities of architecture beyond the static. In most eyes, architecture rigidly defines the silhouette of our skylines and projects a clamorous international city image. Yet on the human scale, it seems to embody other qualities that are less considered, or even undervalued but nevertheless contribute to the making of better places. It provides occasions for a variety of interesting encounters, condenses the passage of time and cultivates a sense of belonging for its inhabitants.
The team aspires to create an organic project that incorporates both architectural and sensual experience. Within a compact domestic setting, one is isolated from the buzz of the outside environment. Eventually, come to concentrate and confront the details within the space. E.g. a calender from 1994; traditional tea cups; a pile of unframed old photographs turning yellow; and newspaper scattered on the table. Every small detail is a puzzle to form a larger image of this particular space. On the bookshelf, a picture story book uniquely different from everything else. Inside, it illustrated a story of the past. Page after page, the reader is brought back in time.
The audience is both the persona and the observer. Through the process of discovery, he experiences the present and connects with the past. Architecture (the wood cabin) and picture story book together tell a story of the changes of our cityscape. From the rural edge to urban metropolis, these rapid changes have brought us ever closer to rethink what we truly want from an ‘ideal city’.

While I'm Living, I want to... | Public Art Installation, Central Market, Hong Kong
September, 2013
"While I'm living, I want to..." is an interactive public art installation, that welcomes everyone to step back from our daily routines, reflect and share our dreams and hopes on a blackboard at a public space.
We feel that this project is particularly relevant for dwellers of Hong Kong, one of the densest and fastest-paced cities in the world. Getting caught up in everyday life, and forgetting what really matters in life is probably not a foreign feeling to us. Join us at the opening for a change of pace, reconnect to your inner self and share your stories with us.
The idea is inspired by Candy Chang's ‘Before I Die' project. Since the first board, people from over 40 countries were inspired to re-create the project in more than 15 languages. Over 250 Before I Die walls were set up around the world.
'Our shared spaces can better reflect what matters to us as individuals and as a community, and with more ways to share our hopes, fears and stories, the people around us can not only help us make better places, they can help us lead better lives.' - Candy Chang
Special thanks to United World College Graduates Organization (Hong Kong), and many wonderful volunteers
Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/509743172437985/
The Making of While I'm Living, I want to...', July - Sept, 2013 | More
X'mas at home | Shopping Mall Xmas Decoration
November, 2013
Curation of a local shopping mall's Christmas decoration.
Wanchai Urban Jungle | Interior Design
June, 2013
The project invited all members of the company to a big drawing campaign, all works were montaged around the staircase of the building.
HKTDC Hong Kong Houseware Fair
HKTDC Hong Kong Houseware Fair
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, April 2011
Art work for the entrance foyer at Asia's largest houseware fair, organised by the HKTDC and held at the HKCEC.