今朝Phy 講咗兩次「我哋個swim club 可能要瓦解了」
因為swim club 有幾個core members 都分別即將或剛生了小朋友。
我無正面回答佢 ,因為無論如何我都會繼續游的。
but the reality is 其實phy 呢位當時人,才剛剛生了三個月第二個小朋友;就已經一早來游水。
而且佢今朝喺厠所暈咗 (真暈)但都準時嚟。
不愧為我個LPC 同房,所以她是女拔萃嘅ivy league 女子。 (ok 我唔肯定有無關係, just stating the fact)
而佢老公都有一齊 嚟(佢哋當年中學讀LPC時已經一齊)現在已經有兩個小朋友,其中一個小朋友跟我同一天生日啊。他現在在大學教書。
So, 我哋初初有swim club 時係因為疫情泳池都關了, 我們就一齊約去游海
(詳細故事可以買今期being hong kong 裹面嘅文章 有講 XD )
我一開始無諗過佢哋都會咁認真,以為佢哋只係玩玩吓,貪玩。(i must be temporary disluded, 明明佢哋個個游水都咁勁,又點會係貪玩呢)
但結果 大家是上班前, work from home 嘅lunch hour 都會老遠去游一游。
留意我哋唔係住 喺沙灘邊的。
我們 都會當海灘係大泳池游lap, 也會碰到其他港隊選手,或者係校隊在練水 。
當然也有當時famous (但大家守住嘅秘密)Dave the DWB Dolphin la.
我和phyllis 都會覺得游完海成個人精神了!!
唔知係唔係因為我哋都係Blue Planet 嘅babies.
Afterall 我哋個世界is made up of lots and lots of water.
The Earth is a watery place. But just how much water exists on, in, and above our planet? About 71 percent of the Earth's surface is water-covered, and the oceans hold about 96.5 percent of all Earth's water. Water also exists in the air as water vapor, in rivers and lakes, in icecaps and glaciers, in the ground as soil moisture and in aquifers, and even in you and your dog.
怎麼我的時間總是不夠用 。
很想去探今天在富德樓嘅朋友仔 - 見山, 牛油果,清明堂!!can i squeeze time for that
(please know I am thinking of you even if I didn't end up having time to do so)
又想送貨給南叔和puipui (怎麼你連個名都咁可愛)
又要改一啲畫(改改改是工作的日常對不對 :P)
give you all a virtual hug for now.