Sunday, October 4, 2020


🌕Midnight in the City of Victoria🥂

thé rose sunset, thé street side lullaby

Started out the day at an old old community, listened to gai Fong and artists sharing, 一班人去一間社區中超舊嘅診所畫畫, 而醫生護士在無預約的情況下,俾我哋坐滿候診室寫生, 是一件十分開心嘅事, 我們要探訪小店,一個老街坊提議呢間診所,佢話以前醫生好靚仔, 依家已是駝背喇.
Searched through factories for a coffee, afternoon was us being exhausted by kid!
Gave up the pending bus for the top floor rose sunset, watched the magic hour from the eastern corridor.

The ones that will stay here, the pink worms in between our ears, the improvised singing under the ancient red brick museum, the brain surgeon’s tales.

In the darkest days, shine, love, find the eternal moonshines of your hearts.

Laughed so much today ❤️

You all are the reason i believe in the goodness of people today.

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