Wednesday, September 2, 2020


我想起這張相,其實係因為近日在思考一些Participatory mapping 的問題。2014 年秋天,畫了一幅夏𢡱村地圖,當時仲去一直用開嗰間printing shop 印咗一幅六米長的,貼了在金鐘站。我在想,我當時一定也是想大家都把自己看見的東西加進地圖裹 - it's not an art piece, it's supposed to require your input. 

今天我也有去那間printing shop, 這些年來,在那裹印過無數咁多嘢,瘋狂大嘅文宣,自己嘅畫、postcard、送俾人嘅禮物同埋LAP嘅charity calendar等。

怪唔得今日同店後一個人講我係Connie ,佢好似講到... 佢識咗我好耐咁.... 他們不是很便宜(可能佢哋出名貴添 所以我唔會特別向人推介)但他們對我一直很好的。事實上我也不知道佢哋係黃定藍,但係例如,去年我話我要趕住印啲大海報入機場貼,佢哋亦會立刻幫我印。

Sorry 離題了,我想講嘅係Participatory地圖,去年在灣仔電車站地圖時已經超想做,我不想只係我畫,我想聽你們的故事,想睇其他人畫。在紐約有一個女孩子做過,在街上派只有Manhattan outline 的地圖,讓大家回家畫 "Some are heartbreaking (one person mapped key places in his life, from the first apartment he shared with his wife to where she later died); many invoke humour; some are confessions (a student who shows how she funded her studies with work at various strip joints). Some are handscrawled in biro, others are collages, and a few use watercolours." 

手畫地圖很有趣,但現代科技也確實正在改變世界,很喜歡其中一個TED 2020 talk "Can we call it a "world map" if it's missing a billion people?"

很難想像吧,當我們的google map 可以看見每一條街的每一個角落,連村中隻貓都會睇到,但原來世上還有****超過十億人***住在未被mapped 嘅地方的,而這會直接影響各種救災支援工作。

"All crises, including the COVID-19 pandemic we're living through right now, have devastating characteristics. But many of them have one thing in common: the people hit the hardest are often literally not on the map. Right now, more than one billion people live in places that are not mapped. If you look those places up online, you'll see nothing but a blank. And that blank isn't just a huge statement of disrespect to our fellow human beings, it's an injustice, causing very direct, very real and very avoidable human suffering."

不過, GPS 只能帶我們從A去到B點,有一個人一直就跟GPS 上班,每天沿住廢氣滿滿嘅大路走,直至有天突然想detour,發現隔離遲一分鐘的那條街是開滿櫻花,綠草如茵的。

仲有好多未講完呀,近日聽BBC有個節目講一幅人們手傳的秘密地圖.... 太長喇 .... 

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