Did a book sharing with a group of rehabilitating mentally ill patients who are training to be community tour guides 社區導賞員.
The org also works with rehabilitated criminals too. Their focus is on facilities in hung hom that are related to life and death issues.
It’s half way through their course now, they visited many funeral homes, crematorium, flower shop, 紙紮舖 and coffin shop and eg Cuhk 無言老師centre etc, and they’d design their own guided tour route.
Without a doubt their sharing after mine is super interesting and I feel so loved and blessed, and they were so sweet and encouraging and lovely!!!! They asked me what I will write next :p
They also shared their written stories with me as gift, a lot of them had debilitating addiction or suicidal problems before. And are still on medicine.
The participants are so sweet and smiley (sometimes tired cuz of medicine). They’re so willing to share, and people of certain age and experience tells such good stories
But had gone through some real struggling moments in life.
They also do a lot of human library events too. I really love reading/hearing stories as it’s like getting a personal gift from people.
前天我跟B 先生說起「如果我生命中沒有我讀過的書,那我一定不會是現在的我」這件事。他覺得這是誇張的說法,但我卻經常有這樣的感覺。好的故事lift us up from our ordinary mundane lives, and allow us a glimpse of our own possibilities, 我們自小就看故事長大,諸如龍貓、魔女宅急便、好心狼的故事、一隻會滑雪的貓等等,故事中的美好和傷痛、或多或少影響了我們一點。
我總覺得自己不是一個寫故事天才,一定不是,但卻總有這樣的衝動,想把值得記得的事情記下和跟別人分享- 因為世上就有好多這樣子的事情啊。不過我想畫畫/寫故事書的感覺是好純粹的,就是想畫想做的感覺,或者已經自然得是習慣了。
我總是好驚訝他們多麼包容和接納我,明顯我不是特別有才華或特別勤力,只有一顆好想做的心和盡量努力而已。但他們都讓我真真正正成為他們的一份子,和很有名的老作家一起在畳地上喝茶過日本正月,參觀他未出版的書;跟卧虎藏龍般的光子小姐一起去長野旅行遊玩;openly扭計表現着"What? 又要開會?!"
幸好最後有跟着去,很好玩。光子小姐和神田先生帶我們去了長野雪山下的溫泉鄉及古都松本。去旅行實在會幫助畫畫呀。我們住的溫泉旅館有個好漂亮的書架,架上的兒童書很不一般,並有英法有名的古本! 現在每天寫一點,有空再寫。
Back at my Japanese home again, despite everyone ask if it’s ok to leave HK right after hospital discharge, of course it is ok ! hahaha.
OMGHGGG we got a surprise trip and will stay at those old onsen ryokan in the hills of Nagano!!!
feels like in spirited away land!!!
All the onsen here seems super old
we went to one that is shared bath that’s on top of the tiny road, small wooden house, even the Japanese think it’s straight out of manga, with pebbles small tiles !!!!! And wooden signs hanging. No locker, locally managed. .
You know they didn’t plan to bring me to Nagano they want me to stay in museum to draw but I “begged for it” against Japanese custom 😹😹😹
This is the one inside our ryokan you need to climb out the window to the outdoor onsen.
Yesterday I went to a Book Sharing organised by Society for Life and Death Education
The Society for Life and Death Education is a charitable and non-profit organization, founded by healthcare professionals, lecturers, social workers and religious figures.
There were more than 130 participants, I was so surprised by the turnout! : )
Most participants works in related field and do bereavement counselling etc. It means so much to hear feedback from them, and to know that they find the book useful and meaningful in their counselling and therapy sessions.
The bereavement counseling charity social worker talked about book therapy and I talked about the book making process.
It also reminded me that early this week when I was admited to the hospital, my immediate neighbour in the ward just passed away, she's a 46 years old mom to two young daughters. The whole family were in deep grief.
I guess in normal everyday life, we barely think about life and death issues, but it is an experience that nobody can escape.
I feel so tremendously lucky that I am able to work on these projects, something I always dreamt of since I was a kid, and that it could help other people.
Yesterday morning I was being borrowed “to be a patient” for the medical student examinations!
One of the professor/examiner said “一早知係你就攞本書俾你簽啦“😹😝 But actually the book he mentioned was not this book, he read one of my unpublished book on my journey as a junior patient/chronically ill patient, wonder how he saw it!!! I wish I could rework on those books again some day and that it could help more people ❤️
[Japan work diary - at Seizo Tashima's Picture Book Museum]
Since the making of art is almost always more interesting than the end product, so I'm on display too, at the museum.
It was a short weekend, but a great one with lots of encounter and love.
Drawing in the biggest hall of the museum, every visitor came and watch and said hi. Among them the children are the cutest, some would stand for more than thirty minutes, just quietly watching. Got to chat with many of the people, who were curious why among all people, they invited me to work on this project. (well even my mom asked that...) That is because I was one of the special volunteers that have been with them since the beginning of this museum, when it all started, I helped painting all the installation together with the local grandmas, and many other volunteers, and since then, have been returning to work with them almost every year.
It's strange to think how there are people here who love me so dearly and always wait for me as a family. Trusts my passion in children's book illustration. And honestly they're not ordinary people, Seizo-san is a very famous picture book artist that published over 70 books in Japan, (where editors always have to wait for him for hours) but they always treat me like their dear daughter, even though I'm obviously a free spirited, non Japanese-like "kid."
Joy's Yoga class always end with this mantra “May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all."
想不到這麼快又一周了,正正上周末,我身在倫敦,去了一個極之漂亮的婚禮,相信很難再有比這個更好的婚禮了!主要是因為大家都很真摯很開心,雖然Katherine & Tom 是主角,但也好照顧身邊的所有人。可能因為在香港的婚禮好多時都好多人,所以結果所有人都好緊張,不能夠好好享受那一天。
婚禮時間表上第一項活動是游水!而月五點就開始晚飯了,怪不得Katherine 是我的好朋友;花朵都好新鮮,是野獸派的朋友,連攝影師姐姐本人都好美。有紅色的巴士將我們從教堂送往餐廳,中間有好多好多談天的時間,包括Kat, Tom 和相方加人也只有四十六位參加者,所以有機會認識所有人。他們的家人和朋友都好好,有一些好搞笑的。我們一直跳舞至夜深,然後好朋友們一起回到漂亮的酒店,這間酒店前身是一間銀行,加上live band 感覺好像回到1920 年代!
第二天早上又再和蜜瓜太太食早餐和游水,漂亮的天台餐廳好像溫室一樣,有好多漂亮的植物,看到鄰近的教堂圓頂。婚禮後那天一直下雨,於是我們整天都在酒店裏吃...... 差不多沒有離開過酒店!
Oh it was all so sweet, congratulations my beloved Dr. Law & Tom!
and you must look at the pictures from the photographer that day! https://maja-tsolo-photography.smartslides.com/kat-toms-wedding-highlights
數個月前,天氣開始變得很熱,接二連三有人遺棄阿拉斯加及西伯利亞雪撬。其中一隻就是年輕又百厭的Erickson. 他性格開朗活潑,但嚴重瘦削,不過是一歲半,超愛食,很專注,初來時得排肋骨,一點肌肉都沒有,出名喜歡在自己房裹大小便,然後踏在自己的大小便上,每天都要義工幫他洗澡。
他真的好貪玩,也愛playbite,初來時只有27 公斤,現在己有36.3 公斤,就算只是玩着咬也會令人好痛。其中一個原因是因為他太多stack up energy 了。
Foster 媽媽Carrie好像很想快點請他走了!她還有兩隻大狗狗要照顧,分別是一隻性格嚴重緊張、從愛護動物協會領養回來的伯恩山犬,和一隻已經是十四歲的Pointer Truffle. 幸好我們找到住在附近的另外兩位義工Noel & Gabriel,晚上幫忙帶他玩。
有天,他的美籍前暫託爸爸Jonathan 見他等了這麼久都未找到家,便提議把他送往美國。前暫託爸爸一家跟美國某大型動物拯救中心關係密切;剛巧另一位義工Bruce也是來自Washington St. Louis 的,那是一個市郊大學鎮,人人都有花園,住房子,雖然夏天好熱,但有分明的春天、秋天和下大雪的冬天!而且較多人有養大狗的經驗。於是我們便決定籌錢把他送往美國。
其中Bruce 贊助了他整張萬多元飛往美國的機票,Jonathan 媽媽會飛往芝加哥接他,然後租車把他開會五百里以外的新hometown.
還有十分好心的Pet relocation company 幫忙,免費送飛機籠,安排整個行程、檢疫等等。過程也很一波三折,又因為太他重,還要問國泰拿特別permission! 但終於成真了!!!
我們會把這個故事印出來,一併送往美國。 (Wait for it to load : )
July Newsletter - Hello from our Seaside Studio, these days we are working on multiple projects (Mr. Meow boss: When are we not?) We are very lucky, as we never had no projects to work on, and not just that, all of our projects are extremely interesting.
Among them is this Kennedy Town Map with one of our favourite collaborators @idiscoverapp. Our illustrator Ms. Maoo is a greedy illustrator, she was asked to illustrate Kennedy Town, but would insist to include the hills behind, up to Pokfulam Road, West to Mount Davis etc. (Ms. Maoo: Because it's all connected! and there are many beautiful secret paths and trails too)
Once this illustration is done, we will put it by the seaside promenade at K-town and let the neighbours add their stories too. K-town has many interesting core groups, from those that research military history, to environmental-protection-teams, hopefully we will be able to collect some very interesting stories!
Don't worry our other friends, in case you hasn't heard back, we haven't forgotten your orders! A dog branding design, shop map, a plate drawing, two newspaper interviews next week, another picturebook to finish, and our exhibition in Japan.... etc.