Monday, June 11, 2012


康河畔的神級浪漫!Magic hour 深藍色的夕陽天空下,在河邊草地上聽 Trinity College Choir 一年一度,學期最後一個星期天的船上表演,為May Week 展開序幕。很多人早一小時便去霸位了!偶然還有小鴨點水,麻雀唱歌的聲音。點解可以咁.....(找不到貼切的感嘆詞呀!)令人心跳加速!一面睇一面覺得「唔想佢完」!淨化了我們. 好開心 In the evening the choir inaugurates May Week with the traditional River Concert, in which the madrigals and part-songs are performed upon punts moored at Trinity Backs. The evening's entertainment concludes, as dusk gives way to darkness, with Wilbye's madrigal 'Draw on, sweet night' performed as the choir is punted down the river and out of sight. Read More. Video is from 2005.


wydes said...


Kitty Ng said...

I wish I were there ;)

maomao said...

it's so great ahhh, wish u were here too!