Monday, January 30, 2012


很eventful的週末,又過去了。朋友到訪、日本新年晚餐、迷霧早上... 還有,不得了,開始畫故事的日子,多麼熟悉。不明白有些人每天走在同一條路,卻連路上有什麼店舖也不清楚,這一定不會發生在建築學生或畫畫的人身上,一面畫想起點解偵探同學你係偵探。
土曜、ナタリーさんはロンドンから来た。ここの友達と川の隣のAnchor Pub に話していた、とても面白くて楽しかった。ずっと笑っていた。外はとても寒い、ヒーター前マットにいる、暖かいね。日曜朝、ジョギングした。最近再看夢幻街少女,有一段很喜歡的,聖司決定去意大利學做小提琴,女主角雫立下決心不要做一個沒有目標沒有用的人,於是開始很勤力在圖書館裹找資料,寫故事;正當她很專心時,突然抬頭見到聖司原來靜靜地坐在她對面,她驚訝地說「以為你已經走了!」他說「会えてよかった、明日行く。」她說:「明日?」他說:「いいよ、しずくが終わるまでここで待ってる」然後他繼續靜靜地坐在她對面等她。靜靜地一起工作/看書,真好。在暖氣旁地的地上打開了睡袋,坐在地上很舒服。天氣轉冷呢。Fitzb 除了咖啡好味,窗外的煙總是很美,還有人們都很好。


Friday, January 27, 2012


唔知點解gmail個背景會落雪,白雪雪,如果這邊也下雪多好。晚飯時提起大學圖書館書上的紀錄,上面印着別的讀者的借閱日期﹣1983年六月三日,想起耳をすませば(夢幻街少女),完全沒想過重覆看了那麼多遍的電影,偶然再看仍會怦然心動,或者這正是人生有趣之處之一,總有控制以外的驚喜。真不應該看下去,會想起在伊豆海旁,天色漸暗的黃昏;清澈的天空;既狹小又整潔的街道,路上的白線彷彿永遠那麼亮白,新淨;當然不少得家中的木風呂,太好了.... 暖笠笠。那天碰到一隻貓。我還挺喜歡那些不大不小的城市,由岡山到新潟市那類型,不過出雲則太極端,有點邪門。哈哈。今天,在植物公園中的咖啡店畫畫,靚靚咖啡店 (pic) 冬天,植物園沒有太多花,卻有很多snowdrop,或者這是gmail 下雪的原因。也會想起Stardust
耳をすませば (on youku)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


walked pass this house on my way to volunteering, there are a lot more books than you can see from the picture... makes me wonder if it's Desiree's home lol, or my professor's. I have always wished to have a big bookshelf in my future home!
so what have i been doing all evening? see this pic and you'll know
/a shark/ that lives in the congee that jumps up to scare people, being recorded on the wall, inspired the little girl's homework, and made the marathon runner ran faster. /the girl/homework got slipped into the polystyrene cups /a student/ who went telling stories to the little kids
oh, and i had so much fun reading okonomiyaki recipes. what a wonderful world, bbc, david attenborough

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


2010春晚的王菲,傳奇 寧願用這一生等你發現 我一直在你身旁 從未走遠
想你時 你在天邊 想你時 你在眼前
想你時 你在腦海 想你時 你在心田
很想畫畫很想寫故事。明天的課要寫故事啊,明天會到學校講故事. also miss painting lamps so much. also miss jogging and yoga. now it's almost time to sleep.

Monday, January 23, 2012


賀年說話真不容易說,我只懂Happy Chinese New Year! 或者據說是政治正確的Happy Lunar New Year。農曆新年真不簡單,就算在這裹也能感受到它的濃厚氣氛,整個面書都是紅色的相和拜年說話。

Sunday, January 22, 2012

London & Mochi

had really nice coffee (pic)
visited laduree in sunshine
had mochi at Royal Academy of Art
had Okonomiyaki! (pic)
the elevator down to piccadilly line broke, typical...
so sleepy now...

Thursday, January 19, 2012


the day started out gloomy and rainy, but soon rain stopped, and the raindrops sparkling on the end of the tree branches were all that remained as the sun shines.
Discovered a picbook with sophisticated paper engineering, costing only 2.99 in Oxfam, the charity shop. Received an email from one of my favourite illustrators! Sara Fanelli! Who did a lot of beautiful illustrated books, and projects including in the Tate Modern, there are some of her books that I really love, but out of stock and print, loved her nice email, totally made my day. Walked through the Botanic Gardens for the first time to see my supervisor, and also got an email from the school that I will be doing my research at, they are very nice : ) everything is nice : ) my friends are nice too. now I am back in the beautiful f.ames library, look at the pink house and pine tree outside : ) Do you have a book that you love? usually I want to bring those books that I love with me wherever I go, just discovered a new one, can't wait to share. the sky turned pink and yellow, and blue and white and grey, and then the starry sky over the magnificent courts of king's

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

clementines dropped from heaven

it's either the weather, stubbornness in unwilling to give in, helplessness due to not being able to get a book or any other reasons, that keeps making me feeling not so well, and feeling on verge of tears. not good. something relatively better, is that volunteering with kids was really cute. the half-priced clementines and blueberries from Sainsbury's were so nice, i believe they dropped from heaven. i have like ten hardcover books to return today... they are s o h e a v y ..... smell of cinnamon fills up the air, doesn't awake me in this gloomy weather, but still a little bit more comforting. also, there's something i want to paint. as a part of our course yesterday, we had to do creative writing in the nature, choose our own spot in the field, and write. another highlight of the day, was we tried a new restaurant, and saw a fat cat on the street...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


back in cam(f)ridge 你知道嗎,昨天一整天天空也很美。回來第一天,收到了禮物,有木顏色、杯杯等,信箱裹還有長長的信和十分漂亮的一片天空。天氣實在很冷、思緒有點混亂、心情不平靜,但也該覺得很溫暖。暖かくて幸せ。清晨六點,彷彿世界只有我一個。不斷想問人意見,但還是應該自己再想多一點。

Saturday, January 14, 2012

cramond in sai kung


像那天cramond 般的海邊,放假的心境正慢慢遠去。越大個越難約齊人呢,難得大家都願意一早起身,仲要去到咁遠,真係好好。過左好開心的一日,在雨毛毛的路旁跟小狗喝咖啡啦、係蜜糖薑味咖啡啊!看小船上新鮮的海鮮,坐在沙灘旁、跟華嬸包船去玩、片石仔、又有啲人騼落山喎,哈哈哈。原來呢個組合都可以咁搞笑。沒有目的地的真正旅遊啊。
已經覺得唔捨得....不過呢個假期好開心 :)

Friday, January 13, 2012


being left alone in silence allow so much space for mind-wandering, though distressing drilling sound permeated between me and the quiet jazz music, like the low frequency anxiety drifting at the back of my mind, the unacknowledged escapes in dreamscapes.
so much of my 2012 has been filled up already. except there are some big parts which still require more hard work, many many parts in fact, hope 2012 is a year of lots of sunshine, lots of oxygen, nurture the bubbles in my mind, i really want to illustrate/paint a complete new story, canoe & volunteer more. actually I also want to be in the hills, of evergreen old trees, be close to the river when the morning sun shines, want to paint with little children, want to return to the beautiful land of Niigata. 2012 will not be great unless I work hard and believe.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012



Tuesday, January 10, 2012


第一次於冬天住在エンジェルさん家中,沒有開動中央暖氣的木屋,外邊只有四度,客廳依然暖笠笠,充滿搞笑的笑聲,小fans的仰慕,可愛的工作分享,富士電視台的訪問、報紙上的chok 相等等:P 都話係一個奇幻小世界。有炭燒もち、おでん,燒とり,刺身... 仲有好多好多... 想起以前喺鉢住但係唔識日文的日子,希望陳機C無覺得悶啦。食完飯之後仲有風呂,熱熱泡澡,實在太太太好了。冬天的叮噹部屋,床單同duvet 都有毛毛!早上起來,在充滿太陽的廚房吃早餐,花園中的水都結冰了,唔知山羊マリアちゃん會唔會覺得好凍呢。エンジェルさん屋企啲動物好似唔係好理我,淨係理nick.....可能見佢唔識講日文啦。每天都是藍天,太美好了。還看到今年於越後妻有的絵本美術館已經開始準備了,好期待,整個大堂堆滿竹枝!

Monday, January 9, 2012


How can you not love the gentle winter sunshine!
How can you not love walking through the rays of sun under the tall trees.
How can you not love eating ice cream mochi on the wintry streets...
or sleeping under thick blankets in old Japanese houses...
watching the planes take off into the clear blue sky......
shopping for beautiful puddings or warm drinks....

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


剛在izzie 家吃了很好吃的晚餐,焗火雞在皮和肉之間加入自製莓子牛油,還放了一個大香橙在火雞中,這樣軟軟的火雞肉還是第一次吃。甜品才是最聰明的,於冰箱冷凍的堤子,變得像雪芭波一樣,加上暖朱古力酒,真好吃!