being left alone in silence allow so much space for mind-wandering, though distressing drilling sound permeated between me and the quiet jazz music, like the low frequency anxiety drifting at the back of my mind, the unacknowledged escapes in dreamscapes.
so much of my 2012 has been filled up already. except there are some big parts which still require more hard work, many many parts in fact, hope 2012 is a year of lots of sunshine, lots of oxygen, nurture the bubbles in my mind, i really want to illustrate/paint a complete new story, canoe & volunteer more. actually I also want to be in the hills, of evergreen old trees, be close to the river when the morning sun shines, want to paint with little children, want to return to the beautiful land of Niigata. 2012 will not be great unless I work hard and believe.