P.S. 天與地真係好好睇
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
想起你說散步走過泰唔士河的每一道橋,想起挪威的森林。想起中五時韋蕙心坐在課室裹卻想外出跑步。想起總會從Leicester Square 走路回Sloane Square.附上地圖一張。記得黃欣說過有關工作上視作目標、尊敬或欣賞的人一事。近日有一個很想去的地方。很想念舊的toast. Choux à la Crème. 對那本有關「漢字圈」的書很好奇。那天的店內充滿熱笠笠的包,挺不錯的。對了真的要喝咖啡。
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
洗底不成,繼續過bookish, nerdyクリスマス。図書館に行っても勉強しなかった、村上春樹のアフターダークを読んでる、友達を待ちながら、海の隣に本を読んでいた、bumblebeeとバスを乗って、ちょっと大変だ。夕方、古い街を歩いて、友達の本屋へー小さいな本屋が大好き、この本屋は明日クリスマスパーティ,プレゼント交換があって、本の交換です!熊と山猫とやまからにげてき、どちらのほうがいい?どうしてこんなにむずかしいですか。アフターダーク,是描寫「深夜11時56分」到「清晨6時52分」於東京都心,不眠的街道上發生的事情啊。是不是要聽著five spot after dark,會不會令你想去these.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
早在十月初,劍橋城已充滿預訂聖誕晚餐的海報,雖然我從來都喜歡聖誕節,但開始明白對節日反感的情緒。近日身邊的人都討論有關聖誕的事,臉書充滿商場聖誕樹圖片,總覺得聖誕還離很遠,商場聖誕裝飾很醜。今天發現原來在我身邊的聖誕樹是真樹,第一時間會覺得好不環保,把大樹砍下,但再想想,可能用真聖誕樹加簡單的燈飾,比商場花幾百萬做一大堆只會用一年的致癌塑膠裝飾好,因為我做過,所以更加覺... 至少樹用完後會「溶」返落泥土,土地用來種聖誕樹比開設排出毒氣的塑膠廠感覺好些。
今早上山散步,很喜歡。看了一點書,就只是一點點。好吧,我也想想聖誕想做什麼,跟去年一樣,想很寧靜地過,聽說下週會吃すきやき,聖誕節,大概就係好靜咁,食香橙crepe, 喝white truffles latte那樣子吧。當然得個想字。還有好多朋友仔指出 ﹣ 松香 ﹣ 松樹的香味。
今早上山散步,很喜歡。看了一點書,就只是一點點。好吧,我也想想聖誕想做什麼,跟去年一樣,想很寧靜地過,聽說下週會吃すきやき,聖誕節,大概就係好靜咁,食香橙crepe, 喝white truffles latte那樣子吧。當然得個想字。還有好多朋友仔指出 ﹣ 松香 ﹣ 松樹的香味。
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
解決學術上的迷思,最好問小朋友,今日放棄銀芽,在康記遇上日日都活潑可愛的小朋友。我小聲說「咸肉粽都唔錯」小朋友就不斷問我係咪要咸肉粽,「想咪要囉。」然後勁大聲叫醒一臉倦容,伏在桌上休息的伯伯去煲粥。在他看卡通之際,我把他的小紙盒修理好,伯伯端上即叫即做的手拉腸粉。康記在京街已有三十多年歴史,生意卻越來越差。租金不斷上升(近年升了三倍),區內新店越開越多,小小粥店要養活幾個家庭,由小孩到八十多歲仍負責蒸腸粉的爺爺,還有老闆哥哥剛從內地來的一家。09年飲食男女的訪問中老闆說:他很少看電視,歌星來買粥,影星來買油條,都不知是誰 。 記者來採訪,他連《飲食男女》也沒聽過。 「 邊得閒睇雜誌?咁多年,我最遠都係去過尖沙咀㗎咋!日日都要開工(早上六時到晚上一時半),返到屋企又要睇住幾個仔女,去得邊度?」前無去路、後有追兵,心裏有說不出的酸苦,他嘗試過轉型,但總是失敗收場 。「天無絕人之路嘅 ! 以前鄉下耕田仲辛苦啦,而家有得做就唔好諗咁多!點都要頂硬上,煲好啲粥囉!煲好啲粥總有人識欣賞嘅!」他在粥檔前說。
小一和小二的兩個小朋友雖然常常鬥氣,但十分活潑可愛,我從袋裹拿出三本繪本,他們最喜歡的當然是貓太噼哩噗嚕在海裹(ねこた ププピピ 海のなか),把故事重覆講了很多次,小朋友又站在椅子上大叫「變造屎吧」(故事的情節)我細個都在舖頭長大啊。
「他的粥,其實一直做得很好。像煲生滾粥的材料,他嫌送來不夠新鮮,就堅持每天踏單車到灣仔及銅鑼灣的街市買料。 豬肉、牛肉、鯇魚、雞肉等,全都是新鮮貨。他又曾當多年米農,對米很熟悉,會因應不同時節,選用不同地方的米來煲粥。「舊時我用大陸油粘米,六月一造、十一月一造,造期未到就用澳洲雙羊米。後尾發覺日本珍珠米原來一年四季都有,膠質重又少雜質 ,試過效果好好,雖然貴少少,但我都轉用珍珠米。 他對米真的有份執着。」ibid.
小一和小二的兩個小朋友雖然常常鬥氣,但十分活潑可愛,我從袋裹拿出三本繪本,他們最喜歡的當然是貓太噼哩噗嚕在海裹(ねこた ププピピ 海のなか),把故事重覆講了很多次,小朋友又站在椅子上大叫「變造屎吧」(故事的情節)我細個都在舖頭長大啊。
「他的粥,其實一直做得很好。像煲生滾粥的材料,他嫌送來不夠新鮮,就堅持每天踏單車到灣仔及銅鑼灣的街市買料。 豬肉、牛肉、鯇魚、雞肉等,全都是新鮮貨。他又曾當多年米農,對米很熟悉,會因應不同時節,選用不同地方的米來煲粥。「舊時我用大陸油粘米,六月一造、十一月一造,造期未到就用澳洲雙羊米。後尾發覺日本珍珠米原來一年四季都有,膠質重又少雜質 ,試過效果好好,雖然貴少少,但我都轉用珍珠米。 他對米真的有份執着。」ibid.
Hong Kong,
Hong Kong Stories,
Picture Storybooks
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Guy Maupassant once wrote -
the public as a whole is composed of various groups, whose cry to us writers is:
"Comfort me."
"Amuse me."
"Touch me."
"Make me dream."
"Make me laugh."
"Make me shudder."
"Make me weep."
"Make me think."
and only few chosen spirits say to the artist: "Give me something fine in any from which may suit you best, according to your own temperament."
mysteries are taken to a whole new level. so for now, let's listen (come visit if u want full length), and draw?
the public as a whole is composed of various groups, whose cry to us writers is:
"Comfort me."
"Amuse me."
"Touch me."
"Make me dream."
"Make me laugh."
"Make me shudder."
"Make me weep."
"Make me think."
and only few chosen spirits say to the artist: "Give me something fine in any from which may suit you best, according to your own temperament."
mysteries are taken to a whole new level. so for now, let's listen (come visit if u want full length), and draw?
Sunday, December 11, 2011
some music is so mesmerizing, freezes you in time. there's a blog that i really like. (imagination bubbles above me, only if all of them were turned into little films.) should really start a 'branch' blogging about picturebooks, as I have always wished to. recently i m confused by what its meant to be 'shy'! spent the day reading. still hoping the books will provide me some answers. there's not enough time as usual. wintry night compensated by fromage fondue : )
Friday, December 9, 2011
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
Sunday, December 4, 2011
it's really interesting how we watch the same film or read the same book in different stages of our lives and have totally different feelings, or picked up something we haven't noticed before. the texture between cheesecake and souffle is where the best world lies, it's the world of 淡雪チーズスフレケーキ, what kind of flavours can we infuse into it? eggnog? where's my imaginary christmas tree? isn't it good that there are things to look forward in our lives? the home in rural Yamagata in The Departures is so beautiful..
there are so many good books in the world - read, breathe, think, draw, bake, walk and smile!
當有時間,就不知道該先做什麼,是重看看過幾十遍的書嗎?那肯定是 La Riviere a L'envers或L'Élégance du hérisson...哈。又會無試過撞到都鍾意睇呢兩本書的人。
Friday, December 2, 2011
in college for formal tonight, seems like everyone is here ♥ : ) the menu for tonite's xmas dinner was homemade chestnut soup; roast turkey, pigs in blankets, swede & carrot puree buttered new potatoes and red wine jus (or mushroom wellington, which was even better); christmas pudding & brandy sauce AND cheese board and biscuits AND coffee and mince pie, AND pre-dinner wine AND red, white, sherry and port... food after my food-less week... end of michaelmas term.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
today was another very sweet day, why are days so sweet recently, with loving emails, and sophia was crying when she saw my xmas card oh no! she's so sweet! even the ames japanese librarian was sweet, musing through my drawings and table of picture story books.
so life is good despite starvation :P
and, read a lot today, which is good : )
meeting a friend tmr morning, for coffee and guitar, lunch, hand in essay, christmas formal. end of term, unbelievable!
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