Monday, September 26, 2011

Sunday, September 25, 2011

my first time to the library in the neighbourhood was during a library class in grade one, it's a single storey concrete building surrounded by low bushes, the children section is in the end, surrounded by windows, and has a sinked space in the middle, it's a story-telling space, children had to put books there after reading. imagine if one night, all fictional characters woke up from their books in the library... it would be so funny, a Midnight in Paris kinda story. who would u fear most? voldemort? who would voldemort fear most? 黃蓉?LOL. At that time, I couldn't read a lot of the words in the novels, there were holes in the text corresponding to the parts I couldn't understand. Words like prophesying, rekindled and adornment had never been spoken in my hearing. No one had ever told me aloud to behold something, but unknown words picked up meaning from the words around them, meanings that worked well enough in context, though usually when I do look up the dictionary, I could be completely wrong.
just wanna have liquid food, making mashed spinach & tiny diced hokkaido pumpkin in clam chowder soupy soupy tonite.
Saturday, September 24, 2011

從麻鷹背上的攝影機,冒生命危險跳進海裏捕魚的人,山區的眼醫,到天葬,聽起來很古怪的一群人。不同的工作/學術背景引起多樣化的議論,有media ethics 的角度,對航空的迷戀,政治的角度,也有......... 研究者與病人含糊不清的bi-polar 人士。整體來說,就是很吵。什麼時候會再見,到時大家會在做什麼?たのしみ, it's such a great night.うるさいが本当に楽しかった。高校から七年になった、その時からLaos/LipaのChildren's Villageへ行ったり、夜までノートをしたり、今までも自分の夢を持って、面白いことをしてる、こんなにおもしろくていい友達があること、幸せと思う。
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
: )

Got all the lamps sold today!! And new orders!
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Friday, September 9, 2011
: )
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Friday, September 2, 2011
Thursday, September 1, 2011

還有一件事。今天調整設計的顏色,看著色板的名稱,很是入迷,這是我兒時的興趣啊-找靚字,靚的大多跟大自然有關 shades of pink contains - pink frost, tickled pink, cotton candy pink, fairytale pink... yellow has falling star, first light, sparkler, harvest moon; there are winterscape blue, mayflower blue, cloudless sky blue, starry night blue, snowbell blue; wood anemone purple, illusive white purple, pink cloud, december moon yellow, enchanted forest green, blue seadrops.....
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