又是那些認為這是我的blog, 別人幹麼要理我亂寫什麼的時候。最唔鍾意d唔關事gey 人亂估。
紅豆,又或者係償還,係中學好一段時間的電話ringtone, 但究竟係幾時呢? 中三-五?or 五六七?(請大家話返我知)總之一定係有中五啦。點解一首歌會咁好聽?而且我諗唔同時候聽會有好唔同旳感覺.( 對方大同version 完全無feel)
回應大家的問題,答案係,好返少少,但仲係唔係好好,今次病同年初final crit 前那次的感覺一模一樣,其實以前好少咁樣病,好少病得咁辛苦,連fever blister都要出o係同一個位,問你死未。不過可以強逼自已o係屋企其實係好好的事(除昨天落了HV...覺得好凍)有好多thoughts,有d 野會突然發現.... 好似blink話,潛意式其實你已經查覺很久,只係未必願意立刻接受.原來係咁。其實可能從來都係咁,只係我唔記得左。
阿詩version 的紅豆 仲回味緊 joey and goo concert,都好期待三月的王菲concert,不竟係我的兒時偶像呀(係-中學都係兒) 還沒跟你牽著手 走過荒蕪的沙丘 可能從此以後 學會珍惜 天長和地久 好明白點解阿詩要喊 等到風景都看透 也許你會陪我看細水長流... 林夕,我猜就是知道有這個也許,也許,但卻最終卻不會。想起,在London 散步,一面唱某首很舊的歌,心裏一句沒說出來的話。
btw今日發現左一本星級的archi/urban/architecture conservation 書
Friday, December 31, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
狂歡數天, 今天終於得以休息,可是起床後只做了一件事,就是不停重回被舖的懷抱,打過電話或 傳過短訊給我的朋友們,抱歉,因為頭很痛實在沒能力聽。現在好了一點,因為開動了暖氣,少了顫抖,但頭仍痛。
今年聖誕節,收到了來自台北手做的朱古力及鳥結糖,上海的小屋朱古力,日本的限量版杯杯,一set 木印仔,來自日本的繪本雜誌和來自威尼斯的繪本 : ) 真的每件都是很有心思的禮物。魔幻的數天,見到久久沒見的朋友,聽了聽了很多次的傳奇,哈哈哈。吃了很溫暖的晚餐。
我發覺我最喜歡還是畫玻璃,不是畫紙或布。時間過得很快,太快了。還是想找天去Dbay,找天去art jam....
今年聖誕節,收到了來自台北手做的朱古力及鳥結糖,上海的小屋朱古力,日本的限量版杯杯,一set 木印仔,來自日本的繪本雜誌和來自威尼斯的繪本 : ) 真的每件都是很有心思的禮物。魔幻的數天,見到久久沒見的朋友,聽了聽了很多次的傳奇,哈哈哈。吃了很溫暖的晚餐。
我發覺我最喜歡還是畫玻璃,不是畫紙或布。時間過得很快,太快了。還是想找天去Dbay,找天去art jam....
Sunday, December 26, 2010
first of all-HOCC homecoming 點解可以咁好睇ga. 我諗如果我睇埋二十四號晚就好, 又有容祖祖, 唱到十二點半呀.點解d mv 可以靚成咁ga, 好鍾意佢唱喜歡喜歡你,紅豆,願, 陀飛輪都好好聽,當然仲有嗶嗶嗶啦!
Phoebe & Tammy 都係二十四號先返, homecoming 喔。食了很好吃的湯圓,平安夜本該如此呀,唔通同人等位食勁貴的晚飯?又收到好靚來自Venice 的禮物, 好開心呀!!! 之後去左見佢地想見gey 人,可以跳可以叫的活動,其實我好鍾意ga,所以鍾意睇concert lor,好似開party 咁。然後去左大角嘴英記,好得意,坐室外,好正,我鍾意坐室外哈哈哈。嘈姐姐真係好似波板糖。
尋日hehehe,做左好多唔同gey野啦,跟住睇左homecoming : ) 好開心呀, 伊館感覺好唔同,好親切,好想再睇,點算。Homecoming and Number 6 可唔可以快d出碟
Phoebe & Tammy 都係二十四號先返, homecoming 喔。食了很好吃的湯圓,平安夜本該如此呀,唔通同人等位食勁貴的晚飯?又收到好靚來自Venice 的禮物, 好開心呀!!! 之後去左見佢地想見gey 人,可以跳可以叫的活動,其實我好鍾意ga,所以鍾意睇concert lor,好似開party 咁。然後去左大角嘴英記,好得意,坐室外,好正,我鍾意坐室外哈哈哈。嘈姐姐真係好似波板糖。
尋日hehehe,做左好多唔同gey野啦,跟住睇左homecoming : ) 好開心呀, 伊館感覺好唔同,好親切,好想再睇,點算。Homecoming and Number 6 可唔可以快d出碟
rainy night
How could I include so many many many many different things that I have happened during this Xmas into one post? It's impossible.
So tired as well
So I should rest first, wake up tmr and write later, hmmm, note down first. 1. I enjoy writing in other people's moleskine. 2. My hair is full of the smell of cigarette..........
So tired as well
So I should rest first, wake up tmr and write later, hmmm, note down first. 1. I enjoy writing in other people's moleskine. 2. My hair is full of the smell of cigarette..........
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
animal onsen
居台港人養豬日記。八十後香港精英戀愛(悲劇)錄-十分之精彩,係港版sex and the city x 王taxi。我的圖畫書櫃.還有很多很多東西, 有兩本moleskine 想買,及其他瑣碎手工藝想做。有時不寫下來我會忘掉.這幾天不同的好朋友發生了很多事,很是擔心, 希望所有事都能早日解決, 並有好的結果. 其他朋友的其他無聊困擾,求求你們還是想少一點吧。
居台港人養豬日記。八十後香港精英戀愛(悲劇)錄-十分之精彩,係港版sex and the city x 王taxi。我的圖畫書櫃.還有很多很多東西, 有兩本moleskine 想買,及其他瑣碎手工藝想做。有時不寫下來我會忘掉.這幾天不同的好朋友發生了很多事,很是擔心, 希望所有事都能早日解決, 並有好的結果. 其他朋友的其他無聊困擾,求求你們還是想少一點吧。
the giant maze
旅行總是會看到很多得意有趣的東西, makes you feel very inspired.
Had a very filling day today, can't believe just exactly how much food we have had! Bought lots of cute and pretty small things today, and had a lot of delicious and interesting food, the night markets are very .... 得意!
Now there's so much so much I wanna do..... when would I have time to do all these stuff.....
got beautiful xmas clothes for hedgy bebe and blackie after sooooo long! omg... so good
We used to always thought of traveling here together, I'm sure it would have been fun if we were to do so...but life's never perfect, and we learn and grow through adversity. people say, the harder you fall, the higher you bounce, there are friends of mine that believe that we don't necessary have to learn by mistakes, but I always think that personal experience is the best, valuable, even though painful.
Had a very filling day today, can't believe just exactly how much food we have had! Bought lots of cute and pretty small things today, and had a lot of delicious and interesting food, the night markets are very .... 得意!
Now there's so much so much I wanna do..... when would I have time to do all these stuff.....
got beautiful xmas clothes for hedgy bebe and blackie after sooooo long! omg... so good
We used to always thought of traveling here together, I'm sure it would have been fun if we were to do so...but life's never perfect, and we learn and grow through adversity. people say, the harder you fall, the higher you bounce, there are friends of mine that believe that we don't necessary have to learn by mistakes, but I always think that personal experience is the best, valuable, even though painful.
Hedgy and Blackie,
Picture Storybooks,
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
ces petits rien
極度之後悔昨天沒跟shabu shabu店的彈彈長長片片杏仁tofu影相.One of the best thing about this hotel is its playlist :P lots of good music, watching tv was quite fun too. Had shabu shabu with matthew and pansy last night, it was really great, loved the texture of the food, but I was still very full when i woke up this morning :P Also got some nougat and truffles from *Mrs. Mok's Kitchen*! Pansy should start her own kitchen! I can do some brochure and menu design for her! Watched a bit of 海派甜心 lol, it was actually ok hahaa... there's one part that got me thinking about relationships... interesting.
There's various things to be done now. And I really want to get another big moleskine - cuz I used mine for the Happy Valley Project - do you think I should get the watercolour paper one or the traditional sketchbook paper one, advices needed please!
There's various things to be done now. And I really want to get another big moleskine - cuz I used mine for the Happy Valley Project - do you think I should get the watercolour paper one or the traditional sketchbook paper one, advices needed please!
Monday, December 20, 2010
bathing in the sun. literally
Blogging in the bathtub of the hotel, that's warmed by the morning sun. It's great that there's lots of space around the round shape bath tub to put all the books i have bought, hedgy and blackie and also my computer. 酒店房的木陽台,跟家中的差不多大,但外面很繁華多車,是城市景。完全想不到一會兒要去那裏。但很慶幸有這樣的假期,一個離開香港,沒有電話的假期,可以泡泡澡,吃吃酒店的早餐,在街上亂逛。在香港的時候,就算想好了明天不工作,結果還是會收到不想聽的電話,還是會不奇然拿出工作做,還是會苦惱去那裏好,但去旅行時每個地方都是新奇的. 晨早的冬日太陽灑在厚厚的木上.... 這裏有像田子坊或南鑼鼓巷那種休靜嗎?不要緊。我還有很多東西想做-太多,I should have stayed here for xmas too....
Sunday, December 19, 2010
wintry break
wa, tired, 放低幾句吧。
去到每個城市都會做這件事。第一天便買了很多!:P so glad to be away from Hong Kong, a really good and quiet break, never really able to have such kind of break while being in Hong Kong.
Also met with Pansy today : )
Friday, December 17, 2010
a wintry night
的確因為工作原故,每天都會拿起畫筆, from poster colour, colour pencil to indesign :P 雖然ET 都話「你已經日日畫畫lu喎」但正因為咁,更加會想畫畫,更加會充滿靈感,更加會手痕,想畫一些自已想畫的畫。
今天的工作,都跟故事有關。在跑馬地的當然是說一個社區及裏面的人的故事啦。ET+EK 過來大少爺吃了羊腩煲。下午跟小孩子說天堂樹的故事+painting. 佢地個腦真係好得意, 雖然平日成日打機,但我講故事的時候都會好俾心機聽。實不相瞞,I am still extremely full from lunch, really wanna go and jog now.
今天的工作,都跟故事有關。在跑馬地的當然是說一個社區及裏面的人的故事啦。ET+EK 過來大少爺吃了羊腩煲。下午跟小孩子說天堂樹的故事+painting. 佢地個腦真係好得意, 雖然平日成日打機,但我講故事的時候都會好俾心機聽。實不相瞞,I am still extremely full from lunch, really wanna go and jog now.
Picture Storybooks,
Thursday, December 16, 2010
現在天文台顯示,我住這區只有4.8-8度, 家外面很大風,滿是白頭浪.
今天很飽,在聖誕樹下,冷天氣中,我還是忠於自己的最愛,選擇了spinning salad,愛吃salad 的我,很滿意自己的選擇。今天工作了些,運動了些,於中環吃晚餐,為什麼朋友仔又找我傾呢d 野,大家都喜歡get such advices.... 真係... 其實我可以幫到的很少,不過如果你認為有用,我都開心gey。仲有點解所有朋友都話一齊去旅行,好的,如果我有好多錢的話,我會同你地去 : )
冬天就應該是這樣 : )
今天很飽,在聖誕樹下,冷天氣中,我還是忠於自己的最愛,選擇了spinning salad,愛吃salad 的我,很滿意自己的選擇。今天工作了些,運動了些,於中環吃晚餐,為什麼朋友仔又找我傾呢d 野,大家都喜歡get such advices.... 真係... 其實我可以幫到的很少,不過如果你認為有用,我都開心gey。仲有點解所有朋友都話一齊去旅行,好的,如果我有好多錢的話,我會同你地去 : )
冬天就應該是這樣 : )
healthy life,
Hedgy and Blackie,
Hong Kong,
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
ruled by caprices
我喜歡 Classified Cheese Room 那很厚木的大桌子,上面放滿了聖誕裝飾,頭頂被很多盞八爪魚般的燈照著,身後有各種法國包, 樓梯上有酒房,工作與工作間,在陰天的alfresco+open kitchen的cheese room 下,偷閒一下.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
swirling clouds in violet haze

date: eve
materials required: christmas songs, aubrey, vincent, paintbrushes, acrylic, canvas, easel, lamps
food: mulled wine, gingerbread latte, milk, wine, macaron, beetroot salad, cheesecake, pavlova, turkey with cranberry sauce, mimolette, various type of cheese, creme brulee
moving my seaside studio twenty-seven floors above me
tone: dark with woodlog candles from Lane Crawford, shiny sparkling colours dripping down from canvas like those of tsumori chisato
dress code: colourful and sparkling like tsumori chisato.
music: soft, seaside romance, dark, quiet, excited in heartbeat but controlled.
Monday, December 13, 2010
maple and mascarpone
may i list. what we have put into our stomachs today (a group of people of course) we started drinking while having brunch at the Press Room, then dessert & wine at Sift, dinner and beer at Innside-out, left and then back to Innside-out for another round, then Yakitoritei in Happy Valley for another round. we drank too much today, and I feel too full now... ah....:S
Eggs Florentine, Bloody Mary, Lobster risotto, caesar salad, chardonnay gelee, chocolate pavlova with strawberries, chocolate fantasie, apple tarte tartin, apple cider granite, maple & mascarpone cheesecake, wine, rose, and more wine, nachos, beer, aloe vera.... etc.
Elaine and I both goes maniac whenever our iphone starts getting out of battery....
let's start tomorrow with jogging.
Eggs Florentine, Bloody Mary, Lobster risotto, caesar salad, chardonnay gelee, chocolate pavlova with strawberries, chocolate fantasie, apple tarte tartin, apple cider granite, maple & mascarpone cheesecake, wine, rose, and more wine, nachos, beer, aloe vera.... etc.
Elaine and I both goes maniac whenever our iphone starts getting out of battery....
let's start tomorrow with jogging.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
café au lait avec miel
在moleskine 畫了一個很能夠代表今天心情的畫畫,平時看着小朋友畫畫畫得咁靚咁自由咁開心,自已卻find that very difficult. There are moments when comfort food aren't comforting. Saturday with kiddies is better than Saturday on the street, it's really extremely difficult to walk through the crowd... Want to drink a cup of lait et miel or café au lait avec miel, in pottery pot naturally, in the suburb of Paris? do they exist in Hong Kong... not very pleasing place, occasionally.
Back to the kids, the other day I was talking with Philip 哥哥on how great it'd be if we could paint outdoor instead, yes, how great if we could paint outdoor, like the Park near Highgate cemetery in London. Or the magical Pavilion of Hyde Park that sparkles at night time... I want to cancel anything on my schedule from today onwards, of course that's impossible. Too much socialization is extremely tiring. Ok, I did the same thing before last xmas, and I am doing it again now. it's too expensive... can anyone sponsor me..?
Friday, December 10, 2010
坦白說,今年出奇地沒有聖誕氣氛,已經十號了,雖然喝過gingerbread latte, mulled wine, 畫好了聖誕咭,看到了聖誕樹,收到了聖誕禮物,在聖誕燈飾下吃過蛋糕.... etc. 但還是沒有聖誕feel. 可能沒有了期待放假返香港的感覺?可能因為現實生活的無聊task充斥着schedule,又或者...(可以列出很多原因)
剛剛想好了Christmas Eve怎樣過,是全年最重要的一天之一呀...
feel so tired of some stuff
剛剛想好了Christmas Eve怎樣過,是全年最重要的一天之一呀...
feel so tired of some stuff
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
a tranquil winter night
Just had a really nice evening with tennis, it's really different to play with ging ppl, i wish i could play tennis every night.......
blocked nose is so uncomfortable! why all of a sudden? night time is a mysterious time, so thankful for the pre-arranged trip upcoming in December, quite unexpected but proved to be an appropriate choice.
There are still so much things to be planned.
And so many goals to be reached!
loving December*
P.S. there are just way too many good restaurants in HK, esp Central, was joking with my friend how 一個中環 滿足晒你所有願望
Many places to go, now that more friends are back, Limehouse, Taku, press room, butao, sift, riquiqui... too many too many. let me write about them next time.
blocked nose is so uncomfortable! why all of a sudden? night time is a mysterious time, so thankful for the pre-arranged trip upcoming in December, quite unexpected but proved to be an appropriate choice.
There are still so much things to be planned.
And so many goals to be reached!
loving December*
P.S. there are just way too many good restaurants in HK, esp Central, was joking with my friend how 一個中環 滿足晒你所有願望
Many places to go, now that more friends are back, Limehouse, Taku, press room, butao, sift, riquiqui... too many too many. let me write about them next time.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
the air of december
it's turning cold again, i wonder whether i've forgotten how to play tennis already! so must pick it back up asap! we had nice chat and mulled wine tonight, and discovered a nice place. quiet is the key.
urgently needing to follow my personal plans, let's set a reachable 30 days one please, maoshan! just realize how extremely important it is!
shift my focus, and then, focus focus.
apart from that I should sleep now.
can't take a song out of my mind!
urgently needing to follow my personal plans, let's set a reachable 30 days one please, maoshan! just realize how extremely important it is!
shift my focus, and then, focus focus.
apart from that I should sleep now.
can't take a song out of my mind!
healthy life,
Hedgy and Blackie,
Hong Kong,
Monday, December 6, 2010
winter with mulled wine
原來我們 曾經是這樣的 |
對,現在我們還在整mulled wine,紅酒,cinnamon sticks, 八角,丁香,月桂,蜜糖 etc. etc. 明天再upload recipe 好嗎?現在我們要煮熱來喝了。看看相,只喝剩一口。為什麼余小姐還在吃月餅,我已經喝聖誕酒,我們都錯了!
cinnamon is the spice of my life!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
今天,吃了好味的brunch,星期天嘛,空氣充滿住日曜日的味道,不過食完就即刻返屋企,唔想o係條街度,睇左好多clip,轉眼間就日落,果然係冬天。開住我的好朋友(我的朋友係個program來的)-inDesign,但係無心機做野。咁點算?真係唔知。仲有,今日一大achievement -執房! 好重要的。執好舒服好多。
破相太好聽。又聽回Supergoo那場live,好好聽,當時又無咁覺... post 回這一張昨天的相,喜歡它很聖誕。
cathaypacific.com & my asiamiles, please fly me somewhere now
破相太好聽。又聽回Supergoo那場live,好好聽,當時又無咁覺... post 回這一張昨天的相,喜歡它很聖誕。
cathaypacific.com & my asiamiles, please fly me somewhere now
祖兒once more!
容祖祖真係好好,覺得佢真係好努力同好genuine.very admirable, and worth supporting!
另外,今日一早工作啦,然後去左Laduree & Mandarin Oriental for a very christmassy afternoon tea . o m g... lol
不過好開心 : ) 十二月至今,每天都很開心,美中不足的呢, ai ya, 你知唔知呀,朋友?ai其實我同祖兒一樣,都好容易被感動到喊(不過唔係o係你地面前lorrrrr :P)
雲蒼蒼 茫茫長夜裏感激有空港 雲層上滿星光 星星不知道我的怯慌 人間卻有殷切的眼光 仰望 我下降
容祖祖真係好好,覺得佢真係好努力同好genuine.very admirable, and worth supporting!
另外,今日一早工作啦,然後去左Laduree & Mandarin Oriental for a very christmassy afternoon tea . o m g... lol
不過好開心 : ) 十二月至今,每天都很開心,美中不足的呢, ai ya, 你知唔知呀,朋友?ai其實我同祖兒一樣,都好容易被感動到喊(不過唔係o係你地面前lorrrrr :P)
雲蒼蒼 茫茫長夜裏感激有空港 雲層上滿星光 星星不知道我的怯慌 人間卻有殷切的眼光 仰望 我下降
Friday, December 3, 2010
Laduree x Cedric Rivrain
十二點半收到朋友仔電話,適逄我極想快點去visit macaron 中最正的Paris Laduree,所以即刻飛出中環,睇左兩個display 緊Picasso 的gallery, 好鍾意。跟住就crazy shopping, 朋友仔買左十支限量版酒,我就好開心咁買左好好好好味的paris macaron, 好開心,上次係o係paris transit, terminal 的laduree 特登買返香港俾朋友仔。Laduree x Cedric Rivarain in Central, is really like dream come true!
Especially love the rose flavour, cuz it also contains a lot of ginger, beautiful! Ah, remember yesterday when i was tasting the white wine, Bobby kept describing the autumn leaves, dried white flowers, taste of soil......
As said before, good food is only good when people around you enjoy it too!
Then, we went to Robuchon, then agnes b in Quarry Bay, then challenging but interesting work!
十二點半收到朋友仔電話,適逄我極想快點去visit macaron 中最正的Paris Laduree,所以即刻飛出中環,睇左兩個display 緊Picasso 的gallery, 好鍾意。跟住就crazy shopping, 朋友仔買左十支限量版酒,我就好開心咁買左好好好好味的paris macaron, 好開心,上次係o係paris transit, terminal 的laduree 特登買返香港俾朋友仔。Laduree x Cedric Rivarain in Central, is really like dream come true!
Especially love the rose flavour, cuz it also contains a lot of ginger, beautiful! Ah, remember yesterday when i was tasting the white wine, Bobby kept describing the autumn leaves, dried white flowers, taste of soil......
As said before, good food is only good when people around you enjoy it too!
Then, we went to Robuchon, then agnes b in Quarry Bay, then challenging but interesting work!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
lucky mao
Today was a beautiful and extremely eventful day : )
Met many new and old friends, got gifts from japan! (pooka, know me so well ;), free champagne, delicious dessert and nice nice chats. also worked with some older kids today.
Made another new friend today who had beautiful polka dots too! ah, i love that pic, as if we found someone who's the "same" :P
Feel 20% happier through the process of writing a thank you note.
constantly staring at the unfinished 2010 xmas card, and already thinking what to write to those people. like my instant health boost rules have pointed out before, pen a thank you note (similar to writing xmas cards) makes you 20% happier! consider writing a xmas card again this year.
watching yung chocho's concert clips on youtube, ahhhh, so happy, remember second year easter, I flew back to hong kong for her starlight concert and birthday : ) like that she worked so hard for what she have today.
Met many new and old friends, got gifts from japan! (pooka, know me so well ;), free champagne, delicious dessert and nice nice chats. also worked with some older kids today.
Made another new friend today who had beautiful polka dots too! ah, i love that pic, as if we found someone who's the "same" :P
Feel 20% happier through the process of writing a thank you note.
constantly staring at the unfinished 2010 xmas card, and already thinking what to write to those people. like my instant health boost rules have pointed out before, pen a thank you note (similar to writing xmas cards) makes you 20% happier! consider writing a xmas card again this year.
watching yung chocho's concert clips on youtube, ahhhh, so happy, remember second year easter, I flew back to hong kong for her starlight concert and birthday : ) like that she worked so hard for what she have today.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
小さい休み後て、今日は十二月です、でも私の部屋は、まだ汚い。日本からのメルをよんでから、日本へ行きたいよ。今日、IFCの新しTsumori Chisatoへいきました!日本の店のほうが、香港より可愛いね。それから、私と子とも一緒に描きました、楽しいよ。金曜日から、子ともexhibitionです、themeは彌生草間、今日私のmercibeaucoup同じよ。先周何韻詩のHomecoming切符を買いました!大好きね!!それから、土曜日よるは、再去Joey YungのConcert 尾場。So excited and anxious! The chef of the new ramen place at Lan Kwai Fong is from Tokyo's 一蘭!
It's December.
Spend a lot of time doing this (above) every Christmas, what will this year's xmas card look like? Will there be many people receiving their first xmas card from me? Will there be anyone receiving their 9th!? It often takes a few times before I get a satisfactory design, but I already want to start writing to those people on the list. Especially some of you ;) yes, you : )
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