我還請他在我的moleskine 裏畫畫,他很喜歡笑,很可愛.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
"When I was in Aix, I thought I would be better off elsewhere, Now that I am here, I miss Aix ... when you're born there, that's it. Nothing else appeals" - Cezanne
星期二是Aix-en-Provence 的Market day, 法國的market ma, 我們都見過,但這麼這麼大的,都是第一次, 這就是Provence Market la, 有trip 專去看不同小鎮的市場的。清晨出來, 「整個」town的 「每個」square都變成market, 有賣花的, 賣生果的,坐在露天市集喝着咖啡,只聞到哈蜜瓜的甜味。為什麼一個早上的市集東西都可以排得這麼美?經過時會嗅到芝士味,生果啦,賣spices的啦,鮮肉,好多好花.........
Aix-en-Provence 是一個很多fountain 的地方,四處都聽到流水聲,有些人脫掉鞋子把腳浸在泉水裏。每個山城的天空都充滿燕子.... 點解呢?
今天早上去了Atelier Cezanne,好大個窗呀...
Now, I must enjoy my crepe lunch.
星期二是Aix-en-Provence 的Market day, 法國的market ma, 我們都見過,但這麼這麼大的,都是第一次, 這就是Provence Market la, 有trip 專去看不同小鎮的市場的。清晨出來, 「整個」town的 「每個」square都變成market, 有賣花的, 賣生果的,坐在露天市集喝着咖啡,只聞到哈蜜瓜的甜味。為什麼一個早上的市集東西都可以排得這麼美?經過時會嗅到芝士味,生果啦,賣spices的啦,鮮肉,好多好花.........
Aix-en-Provence 是一個很多fountain 的地方,四處都聽到流水聲,有些人脫掉鞋子把腳浸在泉水裏。每個山城的天空都充滿燕子.... 點解呢?
今天早上去了Atelier Cezanne,好大個窗呀...
Now, I must enjoy my crepe lunch.
Monday, June 28, 2010
最重要的是,Feels a lot more connected to the place, 又有更多機會識朋友,一整天跟當地的小動物朋友玩,更多機會說當地的語言,可以走一整天路而不用停,又可以想停就停,不斷「浪費」時間。
彷彿跟人一起旅行時,他們都會point out 好多問題-東西太貴,走得太累,太髒,天氣太熱等,令我眼中(unfortunately?)完美的世界充滿破洞。又要想對方會不會想多去點旅遊點呢,會不會走得累呢,有時有d人又要去shop一d好怪gey shop....
自已一個去旅行,就好似活在貓珊的童話世界中,不用預早訂酒店,一個小袋一大帽,穿黄裙,走在紫色的花田,或窄窄的小街中,在山中採磨菇,在河邊吃黑松露包包.... 還可以走到一半在街中心轉圈,因為四下無人,自由得很
@under the sun, Aix-en-Provence; Cezanne's home town
@under the sun, Aix-en-Provence; Cezanne's home town
Sunday, June 27, 2010
voila voila
Last night ah, Phoebe ask me whether I love this country so much, cuz here I am again! I guess I probably do, not consciously, but it's my ....8th(?) time here, during uni. I love that their people are cute and funny, their food (!!! amazing bread, macaroon, crepe, fromage, asparagus and truffles, olives...), their fashionable & edgy population, and their streets so elegant and delicate....
BUT, this is my first time in provence, and I have always wanted to come here, it's like a dream come true, even for just a few days.
Sunburnt already - unfortunately. lol
miss you all....
Friday, June 25, 2010
iphone 4
今日專程坐火車去Glasgow Apple Shop! 但去到好長queue 同都無晒喇。所以明天清晨六點出發,再去過! 好野呀,好開心呀,不如我轉跟Apple 啦,好想換,但我一定係會等-下個月-白色,靚幾十萬倍呀!
又shopping 咩boss?
返丁丁食左經典kebab,kitty 返左黎喇!!o係phoebe 房短敍 ;)
Thursday, June 24, 2010
習慣離別 (1)
Third year 各散東西前吃過一頓飯,今天找回這夥人再來一次,雖不齊人但依然開心。想不到這樣就過了四年,那些形式上的最後或不最後/畢業禮/ Grad Din etc. 從來都不是my cup of tea, 最重要係那四年來開心過, 成長過, 享受過, 即係愛過活過啦。
很想要多點寧靜,又再一次有這樣的desire. 我知道,常常都有, 這刻我擁有了,但仍希望會有更多更多。我愛的,我想要的,從漫天花香到別的,都很期待,期待可以繼續追尋。
今天晚飯,很din,很multinational, 叫到喉嚨痛,聽到大家的未來, 打從心底為所有人感到高興! 有的會跟喜歡的人以後都一起;有的會繼續尋找適合自已的生活;也有會到UWC教書的!真好,正如我blog 話,唔知點解life's so good, 唔知點解我地個個星期做兩個鐘design 都高分過舊同屋二十四小時做的幾十分,唔係串,只係話呢,都係一齊做多d開心事好,成日諗,人生每個moment 都unique ga ma, 每個今日都只得一次,所以一定要係過得好。
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Canvas that work!
Painted last night at phoebe's room, with mei mei and "big five" & their "baby" - www.katetsui.hk 's membership card! wowowo.Yet, I intended it to be a clock, the membership card will be replaced by the hands of a clock : )
Phoebe please, fai d paint, it's your turn! fai d!
Ah yes, it's based on a starbugs cup phoebe made for Kate last year, but now it's with patterns of cupcakes, bB, and big five!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
原本我地只係返香港十幾日,結果變左成七十幾日。不過覺得賺左好多好多,識左好多好朋友,有從新認識,同埋驚喜認識,去左好多得意的地方,學識了整印仔,經歷左我愛starbugs的關門,過左開心的生日,去左世博,影左n 千幅相.... 好慶幸,真係好幸福。下一站,Moomin Valley。
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Have been discussing the Euro-trip itinerary with my mom, which we should be going in less than a week, but still haven't decided where to go yet! I have been thinking hard everyday, and reading online resources, but they just don't appeal to me! and it makes me feel so pissed, I don't want to be surrounded by red brick buildings from xxxx years ago, or see christ's blood! At least I guess it's not what I want now. I don't especially like pub food, don't like the overly shiny sun of the Mediterranean nor the cloudy moody skies of Northern Europe....
I want to go to ........ いわき絵本美術館、秋田、直島、ちひろ......
So we came to a conclusion that I shall shorten my trip in Europe to ONE week... and go to Japan once i get back to HK...yet I still couldn't decide where in Europe we should travel to...... : (
Maybe the walls of European architecture are too thick, I just don't feel like i see the REALITY there.... and I like japanese food better.
(pic: Tadao Ando's Picture story book museum in Iwaki, designed for 3 kindergartens in the area)
I want to go to ........ いわき絵本美術館、秋田、直島、ちひろ......
So we came to a conclusion that I shall shorten my trip in Europe to ONE week... and go to Japan once i get back to HK...yet I still couldn't decide where in Europe we should travel to...... : (
Maybe the walls of European architecture are too thick, I just don't feel like i see the REALITY there.... and I like japanese food better.
(pic: Tadao Ando's Picture story book museum in Iwaki, designed for 3 kindergartens in the area)
嘩,今日出去成日呀。不過好開心。跟載颸走了很多路,然後跟Elliot 找到一個鬧市中幽靜的一角,可以看街上的人走過。但到晚上卻很吵,Michelle 過來找我,然後跟肥蟲,林婷,小婷同蚊子晚飯,見到佢地總會好開心,不過今晚佢地好似好多煩惱咁呀,但係一個人煩不如一齊傾下好過啦,係咪?好唔鍾意大家住得咁遠...
Friday, June 4, 2010
今天嘛,跟joey玩印印,做了一個就想再做多d多d,印印以外又整縮縮膠,可以整charm bracelet,好開心呀。大人們都坐在地上來玩,真的很開心。覺得好幸福,我知道係好小事,好無聊,但都好開心。點解這陣子身旁有這麼多令我開心的雙子座?
早上去了星蟲,還有兩天,總覺得還會忍不住再去再去。晚上吃了在嘉咸街的Mori Sushi,當然相比日本那些永遠沒得比,但都很滿足了,小小木店。 為小小hedgy 做了一個印,他傻頭傻腦的不太清楚是什麼,我猜買點好東西給他吃他會更開心呢。很多東西要做,很多東西想做。好想離開香港前再搞一次Artjam,又或者七月,約齊人,知道很多人都好想tea party, 好想art jam, 好多好多人報名。但又覺得某些人見我見得多,可能覺得厭悶,要是他們散發這種subconscious response,那我要快點疏遠他們一會,不要說我古怪。
maoshan & joey carving stamps
Writing on the wall
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
記得以前畫畫,是為了尋找現實中得不到的夢想世界,一個魔幻的世界,小時候跟所有人一樣,喜歡畫dream house, 後來有bula的故事,bula是一隻蓋着眼睛的貓貓,之後又有黃色貓與白色貓的故事。
漸漸,卻好像變了彌補遺憾,性質其實相同。畫畫真的騙不了人,騙不了自己,沒有那種感情,畫不出那些畫。雪芭雪芭,我想你嗎?我們到那裏去幫誰了?到最後找到了嗎?為什麼它會躲在遠處的洞中,為什麼所有人都怕他?雪芭真的是又漂亮又聰明,他可以幫到貓貓嗎?How often do i feel "so wrong"?

怎麼近日常常聽到「後來」勁好聽,但又好sad 好sad
後來 終於在眼淚中明白 有些人 一旦錯過就不再
Maybe it's a wrong observation, but I, for once think that I look like a cat, as much as my yellow and white cat does.
Maybe it's a wrong observation, but I, for once think that I look like a cat, as much as my yellow and white cat does.
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