Reading Japanese magazine and came across a fashion style (+lifestyle) that I never knew before, but in a way it MIGHT BE very me! oh no, never knew, what a discovery. Please advice.
Mori (Forest) girls are called so because they look as though they would be very much at home in the woods. Basic to the style is a layered look making use of items with an airy feel - such as A-line dresses, long and tiered skirts, and flowing cardigans - made of cotton, wool yarn, and other natural materials.

They are basically fond of loose-fitting dresses; clothes that appear natural in style but have a bit of a twist; folkloric clothes; deep hues such as wine red, forest green, dark blue, and brown; fluffy knit and fur caps; ponchos and boleros; small cross-body bags;
animal and sweets motifs;
polka dots, tights and leggings; footwear with rounded toes; and scarves and stoles, which they wrap around their necks several times. Mori girls like going on walks with camera in hand, doing fancywork, and visiting cafes and zakkaya (knick-knack stores).
01 LIBRARIES and MORI GIRLS 閱讀大量插畫和童話書籍
Because many mori girls tend to pursue a number of solitary interests, the library is the perfect place to read up on anything from sewing machine technique to the history of the graphic novel.
02 CAMERAS & MORI GIRLS 一個人遊走不同的CAFÉ和藝廊是興趣之一
It has been well documented that mori girls are avid photographers. The original Mixi community of mori girls notes their propensity for wandering around and exploring, camera in hand. Mori girls are partial to solitary adventures and introspective journeys.
03 踏入雜貨店或家具行時特別興奮!更愛自己動手做菜和手工藝