Gary, Sophia, Marco, Brian, Koey, Phoebe, Tommy, Zoro, Alma, Lena, Avril, Family six, Matt, Candy, Sonny, Shirley, Katrina, Jimmy, Maggie lam!, Sarah, Tiffany....
I miss holding Little Phoebe's hands and giving her support as she walk in the Olympics Opening. Summerbridge is a great place because it gives chances to those who don't usually get much attention.
Matt was in my family for two summers, his crying face made me so sad.
Tiffany hugs me whenever she sees me.
Family six is the craziest family ever! We never had enough time during family time.
"You are my best friend who is very important in my life in SB. Everytime, even I have exciting experience or unhappy moments I will tell you and share with you." - Avril, wow, her English has improved so much.

Tommy's kudos touched my heart, I always worry if he hates my class because he doesn't really like art, but he still try his best, and thanked me for helping him all the time.
Katrina and Sophia became a very different person, no longer "too cool to do anything"
Maggie and Jimmy; Gary and Sarah hahaha
I will miss Maggie's cute face, and am so glad that she is not so stressed this year. Sarah is one of the best person to chat with.
Jimmy was so stressed and scared before he enters the hall yesterday, he was sweating and shivering, but everything turned out fine, and judging from the Jimmy I know, I am sure he's as sad as I am at the moment.
Most SB students are popular because they are crazy, loud and leads cheers in ASM all the time. However, Gary!, he was always mentioned by many students as their most important friend in SB, because of his caring and warm personality. Everything in SB is possible, except for one thing, it's impossible not to love Gary. He has always been such a big brother, caring for students who have big problems focusing in class, when no one else want to be with them.
It feels difficult to keep in touch after Summerbridge, and even when we meet, it might be feel so different, without an ASM to start with, not so much excitement towards doing cheers, probably not so much common topics? And I feel so scared that even myself, will lose the urge to see everyone again soon after I got over this mood; when the trivial matters start over-flooding my life again.
I love SB as it's a place of love and support, where people are so caring and positive. Why can't more places be like Summerbridge?
17th August, 2008 SBHKGV07.CDC5 reunion to celebrate Marco's birthday ;) yay!
It was hard to tell them that it's still English all the time after they graduate Summerbridge, but yes, it'd still be English all the time when we meet, because they are so much sweeter when they speak in English (impair by language, they became a few years younger, and so much more purer!) and it's great to have a chance for them to practice oral English, even after SB is over!
"Things won't be the same when we wake up tomorrow
Our time has passed, but love will last. The memories that we share will last forever."
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