"We'll share about the love, support that changed our lives"
On Celebration, the Graduation Ceremony has always been a fun and light-hearted thing, it has never ever been such a teary one like this year. Thanks to Gary's speech, eh?
Can you believe that SB08 has officially ended already? This summer has obviously been a really different one for me. Sometimes when Holing talks about her experience in Summerbridge, it reminds me of myself on the first year.
As I said before, I came back of course because I thought Summerbridge is a great programme, which could really make a change in people's life, I've always strongly believed in the importance of love of learning; but the biggest reason was simply because I really love students from SBHKGV.CDC5, I wish to see them again, to see them grow and become a leader as returning students.
However, I have learnt so much more about this programme and myself through this summer which I didn't expected. I came to understand a lot of things that I didn't understood last summer, and in reflection, I realized how innocent/immature I was/still am. And it reminds me of some of the things that I have always known since I was a secondary school student, but have somehow forgotten.

This summer, I learnt the great importance of believing in every student - no matter how bad they seems to be in terms of their class performance or attitude, there must be a reason behind, and with love and support, everything is possible (ya...) I met some amazing friends among the staffs, and have learnt so much from them. I realized the power of professionalism. I connected with 80% of the students, and know the returning students on a more personal level. I witnessed the great impact of Summerbridge has on the students....
It was sweet and touching to see how united and close the returning students this year were.
I understand why K.yan and Rico didn't want to get on the bus on Celebration night, I felt the same. SB is such an amazing place, I don't want to leave, and I guess it'd feel even stronger for the students, as they come from a very different background from us, they get less choice in life. It's a feeling that I didn't have and wouldn't have last summer.
I guess I am still in this process of transition, from the ideal Summerbridge life back to our real life. It's also in process of making me a better person. I totally understand how SB is over, but our memories will stay forever, but at the same time, I am struggling with redefining the relationship between me and my students after SB etc. - As for my own life, I always thought keeping in touch is a very difficult or impossible thing, as our lives changes so quickly, we meet new people and experience new things, when people meet again, it's often awkward; I worried/foresee that this could happen to me and my students as well, and I wonder what I should do, should I just let it be, or should I make a bigger effort to keep in touch with them, and if I do, why? Why shall the effort be spent?
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